Morning and hello! I am back with a creation again. It is really hard to get into creative routines at the moment. I don't have much time , or well I have time but I don't have as much energy as I used to have before I started to work. Now almost all of my energy takes up of the work and how to get more effective. Well, however I have at least managed to get a card done for the new challenge over at Passion for promarkers. Our new theme is set by Hazel and it's "Bright colours".That means we really want to see happy colours on your creations this week. Shouldn't be too hard now when we have summer and everything is about bright colours. Even my hair is bright happy colour: organge, even neon orange.
Oh well, happy colours. I have used a sponsor image from Bugaboo called
Meant to be floral. It was quite a long time since I used a sponsorimage but now I have two times in a row. It's tons of happy flowers on this image and I have used quite a lot of different colours. However I think it ended up quite fine in the end. I have of course coloured with my Letraset/Winsor Newton. It looks quite ok as there is more than one colour how to speak. It was fun to colour this image in as it was no faces to deal with. I have missed that.

I have used a bunch of dp's from Echo Park I believe. Summer time or happy summer time. Something like that. It's happy designer papers and I did a fairly straight design with straight lines. It is kind of what I do at the moment. I have use three different dp's and have given them orange back drops. It looks quite ok with all the bright colours. I love the Echo park paper packs, they are smashing with their great colours and the straight line that shows throw. Anyway, Echo Park dp's and to that a ribbon, wooden decorations (hearts), pearls and a few butterflies gives interest to the card. Paper flower are also use for decorations. Two butterflycharms is also added to the card. It got a little low but looks ok anyway.
Well to have a chance of winning the Bugaboo prize for this week. Our lucky winner will recieve $12 gift voucher. You have to use Letraset markers/Winsor &Newton markers to have a chance on the prize.
I hope you have the chance to take part and play with us for this nice and easy challenge. You know you can do it!
Take care, and do something that makes you happy!
Love n hugs
Challenges for this card
TTCRD - Anything goes