Wednesday 19 December 2012

A new challenge

Hi and welcome back to my little corner. Hope you're doing ok and don't have to fight any colds or flu's like we do here.

Today is the start of the last challenge for the year over at the Paper Shelter and the theme is Anything goes. We will not be doing any commenting for this challenge as me and Shirley has given our teams a well deserved break over the Holidays. They have been working hard all year long and really deserves it, and to be honest, I am a bit tired too. LoL We will be back with a new challenge for you again 9th of January when the B-team sets the first challenge of the year.

Also our blog hop has come to an end. A big thank you to all of you that has played along in our challenges over the year and to you who took the time to hop around both our teams blogs. We know that we are many and it takes time. :)

We all have chosen a winner that will receive a digi of their choice. The complete winner's list is found over at the Paper Shelter. You just has to claim it by visiting the Paper Shelter blog and tickle the e-mail elf and he takes you straight to Veronica and Pedro that will help you out. My winning comment comes from a very loyal player in our challenges and that is 

Crystal who said " This is the perfect end to the blog hop. The ladies have out done themselves this week and I for one and happy to say I can't wait to get my Paper Shelter images out once again and use some of their inspiration. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Cheers, Crystal"

Congrats! We love that you take the time to play with us so often and we love what you do. Congratulations once again. 

I also managed to make a card for this very challenging challenge. I am back with my Christmas cards and this one is made for one of my youngest' teachers in kindergarten. A box card filled with chocolates. And let me tell you that there was a whole bunch of yummie! coming out from all the teachers. They are so sweet and all get so very happy. It makes it worth the whole process of making about 10 extra advanced cards for teacher's, kitchen- and cleaning staff that get forgotten almost all the time. Totally worth it! :)

I have used my another one of this years Christmas digis called Are you ready my friend? It's so cheerful and sweet. They are coloured with my Letraset family and decorated with flowers from my stash. Also a big snow flake made with a die from Whimsy stamps and a plastic one from You Do I think. Hope you like it! Designer papers are from Dove Craft. The stamped snowflakes ia a Magnolia stamp. 

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
CYDI - Not a creature was stirring
Celebrate the Occasion - Christmas Anything goes

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Another posting...

...I'm on the go here! One on Sunday and now it's Tuesday and I am not even feeling well. Not my joints this time. I have a b----y cold that won't give in and now I'm hard of hearing. It feels like I walk around and scream all the time, because I don't have a clue of how loud I speak. LoL

It's time for some celebration here at my blog, well we have "Winter Birthdays" as our theme over at the Bearly Mine Challenges this time and this challenge will go on for two weeks or so. That means we won't be back with a new challenge until 2013 and then will Shirley and her A team let us challenge again.

For my card have I used yet another image from the Paper Shelter and this one is called Snow angel. I didn't have time to use her for a Christmas card but she works well for winter birthdays as well. She is coloured with my Letraset family.

The design is fairly simple but looks like a lot of work have been done! My kind of card! LoL I found the sentiment stamp laying around my table and I don't have a clue from where it comes, probably Lili Of the Valley as they has tons of wonderful sentiment stamps. Just wish they would make them in Swedish. :) Flowers and berries are from WOC and Magnolia. Might be one or two flowers from I am Roses as well. The broad ribbon is from The Ribbon girls and the lace from Molly's Scrapbooking. And the designer papers are from Pastel Christmas from Bearly Mine Design. Gosh! I really have cloggy memorie at this time, more than usual that is. Let's say it is the fever speaking, ok and let us hope that it will pass quickly. As always I have used some stickles form Rangers and this time I went with some sparkly Silver and some frosted lace.

Our sponsor this week is Donna from Bearly Mine designs. She offers two digi sets of winner's Choice for all of you that plays with us this time around.

So now let's see all of those forgotten birthdays that do take place even during the Holiday season. I have a niece that decided that it would be good to have her birthday 1st of January. LoL I can't wait to come and see what you all create for this challenge.

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Passion for Promarkers - Use the word "happy" in your sentiment
Bunny Zoe Challenges - Celebration!
Fashionista Challenge - Winter
Paper Playtime Challenges - Winter fun

Sunday 16 December 2012

Christmas Challenges with sketches

Hi there! Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? Was out today and nearly finished. Yeay! Managed to get a card done as well and this is made after a sketch from Christmas Challenges with sketches.The back ground of the image looks a bit shady in the photo but is really light blue IRL.  Probably have to retake this photo later on but it was more important to get the card in, and up in time.

I have used an image from the Paper shelter called Carol Singers, the most lovely image from the Shelters winter and Christmas images this year. Adore it. Have paired it up with some designer papers from Papermania called "Home for Christmas" if I am correct. This card will be put on a little box with some chocolates for my youngers' kids teacher later on tonight when the kids are asleep and I can be left alone, and then there is just one more to put together. But as I know that I am running out of time here I will use a card made earlier for this last project.

Quite a few punches is used here, like a M.S punch for snow flakes to the left, a few dies from Magnolia and Memory box for borders and other details. Flowers from WOC, pearls from Rox Stamps and some liquid pearls from Rangers.

Ok, time to crash. I am so tired and I still have to get the Christmas decorations up, maybe some today and the rest tomorrow?

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Christmas Challenges with sketches - sketch
Joanna Sheen - With love at Christmas
The Squirrel and the Fox - Christmas
One Stop Craft Challenges - Distressed Christmas (wet with inks on my card)

Friday 14 December 2012


With the flu going around the house again, second time in two weeks there has been a real lack of both crafting and energy here the last couple of weeks. This week has been mine and the youngest one together taking it quite calm. P. had it worst this time and my dear mum took care of him while I had to go to the hospital and to meet my physiotherapist. These was must do appointments, sick or not. Had an appointment with the dentist as well, and another meeting but that has to wait. Now I really hope that it will be calm here when it comes to illnesses as I am so fed up by them all!

So a little card I have made in between how to speak. The last one of my cards for W.'s teachers. Third time with miss Snow flake and I just love the image more and more. I went through my old stamps the other day when I couldn't sleep. And found a whole bunch of lovely stamps that is just forgotten there in the boxes. It's time to start using them again, and maybe one or two of the new ones that never has seen ink. LoL They are many, way too many and I don't think I have to buy any stamps next year and still be able to use new ones all the time. That's how many they are. LoL

Sorry back to my card. This is my grey and pink version of the same card and this time I used designer papers from Bearly Mine design. They come from the digiset called Christmas light. As always (nearly) the image is coloured with my Letraset family. Flowers from WOC and I am Roses. She is also popped up from the oval as she got a lovely paw print next to her from my dear helper Tage, one of my cats. Nothing a good pair of scissors could help me out with this time. LoL Tons of pearls in different sizes and a doily from Nellie Snellen. Ribbon from Joanna Sheen. by the way.

I think that is it! I wish you a wonderful evening and joyful weekend!

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
CRAFT challenge - Winter (my little miss is called Snowflake and is all dressed in winter clothes, hope I'm not pushing it here, in that case sorry)
Craft Us Crazy - Christmas / winter and favourit embellishment (flowers and glitter)
Nutcrafters challenges - Sparkle and bling, and lots of layers
TOSNG (The official Sugar Nellie group) / facebook- "Anything Christmassy"
Make it Monday - Always anything goes

Monday 10 December 2012

Final challenge of 2012 from the Crafty Card Makers

Hi there! Have a kind of abducted post here today. This is the final challenge of the year from the Crafty Cardmakers team. As there has been so much illnesses and doctors and other strange appointments lately, I never got a chance to make a card for this challenge. But I hope I will be able to make some kind of reminder later on as this goes on till the 7th of January 2013. How strange to write that! This is what it says on our challenge blog today, but you have to go there yourself to see all the stunning creations made by the team for this challenge and it is a challenge

"Challenge 81 Inspired by a Song–Final Challenge for 2012

Our challenge to you for the next month is to take inspiration from the song lyrics of  'Time In A Bottle' written and performed by Jim Croce. 

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
Till Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with

I was pondering the time of year, and how Christmas evokes so many memories of times past and this song came into my head. I expect we have all lost someone, parent, brother, sister, etc. who we remember at this time of the year so the song seemed really poignant. It was especially so for me this year as I had to move from my home of 54 years into a dinky little bungalow, and as yet I have no memories formed here, and as Christmas approaches I have been dwelling a lot on the past. However, I don't want you to feel maudlin so take inspiration from the song's theme, or from the lyrics. There are a lot of words mentioned in the song, that you could use to inspire something creative. Or you could create something to show us what you would do if you could save time in a bottle and spend it doing your favourite thing, or with your best friend, lover, child etc. A scrapbook page of memories perhaps, or something more practical relating to time. You can choose one of the words in the lyrics and create a theme around it.

Have a good read through and see what you can impress us with. I will be honest and tell you some of the team were not too keen on the idea, until they started thinking about it, so please don't just pass us by and not bother, have a good old think and see what you can come up with. There are so many Christmas card challenges at the moment, and this will be a nice deviation from those, you also have a whole month to think of something. So when you are all Christmased out and want to do something a bit different you can join us with your creation. Please remember to tell us in your post how the song's lyrics have inspired what you come up with. 

Go on we dare you! 

As this is a month long challenge the whole team will be voting on whose entries they want to win or take out top spots, if there are enough entrants we may have a Top Ten instead of a Top Five. 

We are sponsored by our lovely teamie Kim Reygate. As Kim told me 'I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic companies during this last year, both teaching and making samples and most of whom are represented in the prize, so I would be more than happy to donate them to Crafty Cardmakers', represented in the list are ClarityHobbyArtSir StampalotStampcraft and Woodware, some of whom will be sponsoring us in 2013, so watch this space!

The items in the prize are Items from the top of the photo 
Blue Magic stamp 
2 Embossing Folders
2 Butterfly Stamps
Fluffy Stuff 
2 ColorBox Queues
ColourBox Moulding Mat
Magnolia Stamp
Petal Stamps

We are also sponsored as usual by Milk Coffee Stamps with their usual prize of 5 digi images of the winner's choice.
Cute Digis for Cute Creations

Milk Coffee Stamps is a digital image shop specialising in cute and girly images. We provide high quality digital images with high resolution so you could resize at a big enough size for your project. We have many different image styles; sophisticated lady, cute girl, whimsical image, cute stuff, fairytale creature, and many other varied themes so they can fit many different crafting styles.
So after all that waffling, it's over to the team to hopefully inspire you. They have worked hard on this so please do stop by their blogs and leave them some love!
We won't be back now until 7th January, so all of us at Crafty Cardmakers want to thank you for your continued involvement in our challenges and to wish all of you out there a very Merry Christmas or Bright Yule and a healthy, happy and hopefully prosperous New Year. See you in 2013"

Love n hugs

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Blog hoping time

Hi and welcome to my little corner of the yearly celebrations over at the Paper Shelter. It is time to hop! We are celebrating our two year anniversary and want to share it with you! So if you came from  Lucy's blog , one of our guest designers, then you're heading in the right direction - if not then you'll want to head on back to The Paper Shelter Challenge Blog to start again, as you'll not want to miss out on this one! Our Design Teams have worked very hard and are showcasing the gorgeous images available from The Paper Shelter Website and each blog on the hop is offering one lucky commenter a digi of their choice as well as the main prize, details of which are on the Paper Shelter Challenge blog.

So the theme of this hop is "two of a kind", so if you take part in our challenge that will run for two weeks, we want to see two of something. In my card I have two of a few things. But the main two is my two clowns. I have had such trouble getting this image coloured in a good way and don't know for how many times I have tried before, but now suddenly it worked out very well. I love my clowns! And as it is a celebration hop we need cake! So I have used that image too with the funky cake. Love that one too. :) I also have two small roses, and two bigger ones etc. 

All of the images is coloured with my Letraset family and the designer papers are from Magnolia, Sweden. So is the die I have made the leafes with. A couple of brads holds the cake in place. I didn't want to put tons of flowers behind the clowns as it felt too heavy. Anyway, I hope you like this little creation of mine. 

As I m the last in the long row of crafters on this hop, you now have the Paper Shelter challenge blog left and maybe you want to leave some love there. You don't have to do the blog hop to enter our challenge, just to let you know, even if we would love it if you did.  Don't forget to leave me a comment for a chance of winning your choice of one of the fab digis available in store. This years images from Veronica and Pedro has really been amazing so you will be spoiled for wonderful choices. 

Thanks to all of you that follows me each and every week on my crafting adventures. That can take it that I don't can come and vistit you all every time you post, that keep leaving me some love over and over again. I always do my best to come and visit but the last year has been horrible with tons of pain and operations and doctors and ....  

And a even bigger thank you to all my teamies that always makes the most amazing creations. You are amazing crafters and always do you best. Without you the Paper Shelter wouldn't be what it is today! And of course a very BIG thank you  to Veronica and Pedro that owns the Paper Shelter. They always  makes sure we have plenty of new images to work with and let us show of their stunning work. And I think the biggest thanks of them all goes to Shirley, the leader of the A team and an amazing friend and teamie to me on two teams. Lots of love hun! A BIG thank you to all of you from me.

Love n hugs

Challenges for the card
I love Promarkers - anything goes
Crafting for all seasons - Use flowers
Through Craft door Magazine  - Anything goes
Make it Monday - Always anything goes

Tuesday 4 December 2012

A little more of that coming season

Morning to you all. I am back with some more Christmas inspiration for you  all. It's so cold today and it's snowing like crazy outside my window. Winter is truly here now. It's one good thing with it at least, my oldest love being outside again. It's wonderful to see him out there, building stuff in snow that isn't possible to build with as it's so cold.

I have a little card to show as well and this time it's all about Santa. With only twenty days before he arrives here in Sweden we thought we have that theme over at the Bearly Mine Challenges this week. Santa is coming! We want to see all your santas poping up on your creations. I for sure can't wait.

 My Father Christmas is coloured with Prisma Pencils this time and he is paired up with some lovely designer papers from Bearly Mine Designs called Christmas Glee and Mini dots. A very useful set the last one. I love i! I have kept this card a little cleaner as it is for a child. Two decorations a christmas three made with a Marianne die and a wooden reindeer. What would Santa do with out his loyal pets that takes him all over the world, right?

I also have a second card for this challenge as I thought it looked a little bare over at the challenge blog with three teamies away. So this is also made for the challenge. I normally don't have two cards in the same posting but everything has exceptions. LoL This card is made using a Magnolia stamp that I really love and it's coloured with my Letraset family on craft card. Over at PFP a few weeks back they had this as a challenge and I really wanted to join in there but got sick, only got to the colouring part. So this is what became of that image. I love the colouring on craft with markers. If you have not done it, try it! It's fun!

I have kept this card fairly simple as well with just a few decorations on it. So Christmas trees made with a Magonlia die and a snow flake die. A gem stone from an old neckless in the middle of the snowflake, a few pearls and a seal for Christmas presents is used as decorations together with a ribbon from Molly's Scrapbooking. The designer papers are from Bearly Mine Design and the set Christmas Wishes.

We have a great sponsor in Kenny K this week. They are offering five digis of your choice if you are picked as the lucky winner of the week. Come and play with us! You surely has just a few of those Christmas cards left to do, right?

Love n hugs

Challenges for card 1
Make it Monday - Anything goes
Die Cuttin Divas - Holiday spirit
The stamping Boutique - Holiday cards
Holly Jolly Christmas Challenges - Bingo (Snow, Reindeer, glitter)
Lollipop Craft Challenges - Happy Holidays

Challenges for card 2
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Die Cuttin Divas - Holiday spirit
Paper take weekly - Anything goes
Ribbon Carousel - Holiday spirit
The stamping Boutique - Holiday cards

Saturday 1 December 2012

A little posting again

Hi there! Have survived a kiddie party for the first time in my life. Yes! 10 loud lads and a gal. That's a party for sure. It all went fine and my cold is leaving and it feels good. Tired and relaxed is the summery of todays activity.

Now, I have been working with some cards for the teachers and staff at the schools were my kids spends their days and last night when I couldn't sleep I managed to finish the first batch of them. Only 6 to go now, but I have been a clever gal and coloured up some images so it won't take that long to finish. Clever right?

I have used last weeks sketch over at the Sugar bowl as it was a simple one and I didn't want too much fuss as the card is a bit smaller than normally. It's a book card and now at least one of them is filled with some yummy chocolate. Hope it will stay there until it's time to give the card away. LoL

I have showed number 1 here earlier and here comes number two. Once again I have used the image from Sugar Nellie called Snow flake (still a thought). I could go and check for it's name but I am too tired for that. She is coloured with my Letraset family warm greys and reds as main colours. I so have a soft spot for the warm grey shades. If it wasn't given such dull impression to most people I would go all in more than once, that's for sure. And the best part is that greys doesn't look strange as skin tones either. Great colour!

The designer papers are from Dove craft and it's classic range. Love the colours in this collection. Just wonderful for a classy Christmas feel. A bunch of flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts and some ribbon from Joanna Sheen and TGR here in Sweden. Metal corners are also from WOC. A red berrie cluster from Magnolia. A doily from Nellie Snellen. Some extra little details with a snowflake and a wooden button in the flower cluster, just for a little extra to be found in the details.Some golden rod stickles make my Christmas complete this creation. The third card in this "collection" will be shown just another day when I feel like popping something in here. :) Wish you a lovely Saturday with lots of warmth. We have -4 degrees here right now so I guess winter is truly here now. Brrr! Straight down to the basement and the fire I have going there, time to write some letters and do a little colouring now when I am the only one up. My partner is out for a bowling spree with his friends tonight.

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Passion for Promarkers - Distressing (here made around all edges with some distress inks)
Two Sisters Challenge blog - Christmas Sparkle
I love Promarkers - Anything goes
Totally Gorjuss - Anything goes - With glitter

Wednesday 28 November 2012

And here we go again

Hi there! Hope you are feeling better than I am. Tummy flu is back in town and after two days with sick kids it seems like it's my turn. Anyway, I better get on with it.

We have a new challenge up for you over at the Paper Shelter with the new theme of Christmas is coming. This week, well nothing worked out like planed so I have used one of the pre coloured images for my card. It's the same that I had coloured to have on my card but it was kind of big for my card lo, so I save that one til another card. So this week it is NOT my colouring, it's Veronicas who own the Paper Shelter that has coloured it with the computer, looks brilliant I must say. Wish I can learn to do that one day.

I have used a few poinsettia dies from Magnolia, together with some swirl and leaves from them as well. A few snowflakes punched with some MS punches. A few gemstones and some liquid pearls is also put on there, the swirl has gotten a little glitter coating with diamond dust. I put a charm under the flower to balance the whole thing.

Hope you come and play with us and don't forget that you have the chance of winning $30 worth of gift certificate if you play with our brand of stamp, using another one gives you the chance of winning three digis of your choice.

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
make it monday - Always anything goes

Monday 26 November 2012

A new week begins

Morning and happy new week to you all! Positive thinking here! So happy new week it is! I have made another card and in colours I normally don't use, so this was a fun great challenge. And it came from the new challenge up and running for the Crafty Cardmakers blog. You really should join us for this one. It's an inspirational photo that is our challenge this time around.

I have used the lovely Cookies for Santa for my card this time. It's from last years Christmas images from the Paper Shelter. She is coloured with my normal Letraset family in the shades of blue, green, creamy white and a dash of brown. Lovely colour combo even if I probably would have used it without the greens if it wasn't for the challenge. I took the colours and the tree as my inspiration for this card.

I got a little wild with my decorations; tons of flowers in a wild mix from Kort og godt and WOC, the lace is also from WOC, the charm is from my ever growing charm stash. A M.S punch is also used to give a lovely touch for the edge of one of the panels. Glitter is used on the flowers and all the tree decorations. After all it's a Christmas card and it needs sparkle and shine to it. Designer papers that was as made for this card is from NitWit collection called Holiday Charm.

Our sponsors this week is these two lovely companies that give away so lovely crafting prizes for two lucky winners this time. Be sure to pay them both a visit and look what they have in store for you!


$15 Gift Certificate to the Crop Stop Store 
And with all of this said, come on and join us for a fun challenge. You know you need those Christmas cards get going by now, here in Sweden 16th of December is the last date to get your X-mas cards delivered in time, so you better get to work!

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Anything goes

Friday 23 November 2012

Friday is here again

Hello and good evening! Well maybe afternoon is the correct term still, it's only 1600 here but it's already dark. In an hour the ladies team of Sweden will play against France in a handball tournament and my kids are already by the TV waiting for it to start. I love that! And tomorrow does the World Cup for the cross-country skiers start. Life couldn't be any better. LoL But I do need to get some curtains up as well, so we'll see how much of it I get the chance to see in the end. A birthday part is coming up as well, so busy busy.

Donna over at the Bearly Mine Design has a Black Friday sale this weekend. So do pop on over to here store and find yourself some bargins. Lots of lovely stuff there. and that brings me to my card for today. My kids has asked me a long time ago to make cards for their teachers this year as well, only nine this time, and I have not started yet. One is made and this is it.

I have used designer papers from Bearly Mine Design called Winters Swirl. I love the grey papers in this set, they are stunning! And I have matched the papers with my favourite Sugar Nellie stamp called Snowflake if I remember right. She is coloured with my Letraset family in grey tones. Love the warm greys but has also used the light versions of ice grey. My flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts and the blue berry cluster is from Magnolia. I love those berries. Have gotten myself a real stash with them in different colours. LoL

The card is a book card and will get some kind of treat in it for the teacher, but I don't think I will be making nine of these. Way too much work for my hands to do all that folding.

Anyway, have a lovely weekend and "talk to you soon".

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
The Sugar bowl - Sketch
Cute Card Thursday - Girls only
Crafty Creations Challenge blog - Christmas is coming

Tuesday 20 November 2012

More of that Christmas spirit

Hi there! Hope you had a good week so far. Myself is preparing to have the window cleaners over tomorrow so everything in the windows has to go. Thank you God for not having me clean the windows as well. LoL Can you believe that we only have about a month before we go in to the Christmas week, again? This year has really passed by so quickly, and this is the best time of the year. Don't you think?

I have a good collection of Christmas cards by now but there is still a few to make and here comes one of them. We have the theme of snowflakes over at the new challenge of the Bearly Mine Challenges. Nice and easy challenge I'm guessing. I have used a image from Wee Stamps by Sylvia Zet, very cute and lovely. Last year I used this image for a scrapbook page that I made about the snow we got in November and stayed to the end of March the year after. It's cute and lovely. She is coloured with my Prisma pencils for a change. Have realized that I do much better coloring with them when I don't have a lot of pain in my arms and are more relaxed.

Ok, for my card's decorations have I used some half pearls, snow flakes made with dies from Whimsy stamps and Martha Stewart punches. A ribbon is also used. My designer papers are of course from Bearly Mine Designs and are from two sets: Pastel Christmas and Winter Swirl. I do hope that you will come on over to the challenge and join us for this weeks challenge. Silver mirri board is also used for the snow flakes and that's why my photo wont really work for me.

Sponsors do we have this week as well and this time we have the lovely people from I am Roses as a sponsor and they are offering a gift voucher worht $35 to spend in their store as a price. Isn't that just wonderful?

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Anything goes
Glitter n Sparkle Challenges - Lots of layers
Joanna Sheen Challenges - Cold and Frosty
The Crafty Pad - Christmas

Monday 19 November 2012

Just had to join in

Hi there! Managed to get a card made to day, just for the fun of it. The challenge this week over at PFP is Moon and Stars and I have wanted to use this little cutie for quite some time now. Isn't she adorable? She is from the Paper Shelter and is called Lullaby Moon.

Of course she is coloured with my Letraset family and the designer papers are from MME. Love the colours in this pad. The card is decorated with some stars made with a Doo Hickey die from Magnolia, a ribbon bow made with ribbon from Joanna Sheen and some chrystal glitter glue from Rangers. Nice and simple, right? Fitting for a kid I hope.

Really sweet and short today. I hope you have had a good start of your week. Mine started very tired, so I have really been taking it easy today. Creating and sleeping, resting my foot that will not let go of the inflammation in it. Still working hard to change my food habits to get rid of lots of trash from my body, but I am getting a little feed up with carrots by now. LoL

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Passion for Promarkers - Moon and stars
Challenges 4 everybody - Always anything goes
Stampin Sisters in Christ - For a child

Wednesday 14 November 2012

A new creation

Morning people! Welcome to my 500! post. Who know that I will be at it for this long? LoL Hope you're having a good week. I'm having a so so one that seams to go up and down, with lots of pain and no pain. But really tired all the time! Oh well and worst of it all is that my internet is dropping dead on me every single day and the operator says that it's nothing wrong! So big apologizes for dropping dead here and not being able to drop by your lovely blog as I normally do. I am really try to get this fixed and each week is equally exciting if I need to go to my mum's or partners work to write up my posts.

My card is a new one for the Paper Shelter, this time I have used the ever so popular (at least by or team members over at the Shelter) Carol Singers. This image is so sweet and I really love it. Love the vintage feel to it and their sweet faces. I have coloured with my Letraset family and decorated with lots of bits and bobs.

For example flowers from Prima and Wild Orchid Crafts. A tag made with a doo hickey die from Magnolia and so is the lamp post. This time the berries are from Magnolia as well. Bought a whole bunch of them the other week as I love the mix of different berries. All the colours are found in my boxes now. The lovely flower lace is from Wild Orchid as well. The designer papers are from Dove craft. A reused piece of a box is use behind the image and some really heavy gesso as snow around that part. The other snow details is made with snow tex. All edges is also heat embossed with a golden embossing powder. Do I have to say that it's ages since I used that stuff?

So please pop on over to the Paper shelter and join us for our new challenge: Easel card with Christmas theme. Quite handy I hope, to at least get one card done. As always we have a gift voucher up for grabs worth $30 if you play with "our" brand. Three digis is up for grabs if you play with another brand.

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Papertake Weekly - Flowers
Divas By Design - anything goes
I (heart) Promarkers - Christmas threes
Tammy's Scrapin Corner - Anything goes

Monday 12 November 2012

A new challenge up at Crafty Card Makers

Hi there! Looks like I'm having trouble with my internet connection and blogger once again. I kind of high jacked the last part of this  post from the CCM blog, but do pop on over to see what all my teamies has been up to. They have done some stunning job for this challenge. 

My card is made with one of the new wonderful Christmas stamps that the Paper Shelter has out this year. This one is called Candy skiing and is a real cutie. (Yes, this one too). He is coloured with my Letraset family and the designer papers are from Christmas Traditions from Bearly Mine Design. I have kept the card really simple but still decorated with lots of different snowflakes made with various punches from mostly Martha Stewart. Love those, can't have too many of them. In the middle I have put some card craft candy to make them less shiny. It became a little too much of a golden look. LoL

Sorry about the photo, I'll try to retake it tomorrow when the light is better.
So now I hope to see you join us over at the Crafty Card Makers this time around, punches and die cuts, could it be easier?

Love n hugs

Ps: Sorry about this strange post, but hey! It's at least up!

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Challenges 4 everybody - Always anything goes
Dream Valley Challenges - Anything goes

"Our challenge this time is hosted by BettyC and she would like you to use more than 1 punch or die cut. You can have a combination such as 1 punch and 1 diecut as that equals two, or two punches, two diecuts. You can use more if you wish as long as there is at least two in combination or two of either on your creation.

Please remember to check the rules and make sure you follow the criteria.
Mr. Linky is set to block anyone that doesn't link back to Crafty Cardmakers and to the actual post being entered, so if you have problems please check first that you have linked correctly.  
We are sponsored by Hobby Art with this fabulous prize of two stamp sheets

We are also sponsored by Milk Coffee Digital Stamps
with a prize of 5 Digital Stamps "

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Finally back

Hello, hello hello! I am back, finally back! It feels like I have been gone forever but I have just been busy as the kids has been off school for a week. Less time to do your normal things then, and last Saturday we celebrated W. 6th birthday with relatives and close family. I have even been so busy that I forgot to make him a card! Now I have to do it afterwards as he says he needs his yearly card. LoL So typical for him! A bought one was not ok, cause mum makes them much better, he said. Guess if I got some energy back after that?

I have a new card to show and this time I have a birthday card made. My youngest son was at a birthday party a few hours before W started his, so I had to make a card for the neighbor's daugther as P said you have to have a card when you go to a party. They are well trained my boys aren't they?

This is what I came up with for Ebba. P picked out the image himself and gave me rebuff on my colouring. He wasn't happy with the colours I started with, so I re coloured Tilda wit Daisy and he was a happy kid. I coloured her with distress inks.  I paired her up with some designer papers from Bearly Mine Designs called Petunia Parade. With some black cardstock it made the whole card a little more interesting for a kid.

I also used some glitter strips from Anita's and used a good amount of silver coloured stickles. All the dies used on this card is from Doo Hickeys, Magnolia. For some more fun details I also used a pearl pen from my stash to make a few dots here and there.

And since it is Tuesday and my week to host the challenge over at Bearly Mine Challenges, I better tell you all our theme for the week. We are going all in and have Anything goes this week. So I bet I will see you over at the Bearly Mine Challenges, right?

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes
Marvelous Magnolia Challenges - Anything goes
The Cutie Pie Challenges - Distressing (here it's made with distress ink)
Paper Take Weekly - Anything goes with the option Christmas

Wednesday 31 October 2012

It's time again

Hello dear friends and followers. How glad I am to see you all back again. Feeling a little tired after my weekend at my brothers. But it was so good to get way from home after a long week with hospital visits, sick kids, employment office etc. Now we have a new week that is busy in another way. My oldest is turning 6 on Sunday, so it's party time and this will be my last week with sugar for quite some time. I will now try to eat better and live better to get my joints and rest of my body to feel better. I feel this will be the challenge of my life, but I thought sharing it will make it a little easier.

Hopefully doing this I will lose the weight I have gain when I have not been able to move and take pills that put weight on when you go on them, and then the same when you go off them... Oh well. Have not taken a painkiller in 6 weeks or so and finally start to stabilize a little more. Just a little more pain without than with the pills, and I already feel a lot hmmm cleaner in my body. I can't put it in any other way. I don't feel foggy anymore that mist is gone. Now time to kill everything that likes sugar in my body. I will do this in small steps and don't throw myself out like a maniac, step by step is my way. Keep your fingers crossed as two more doctors want to do surgery on my foot at this moment. I don't!

Ok, got carried away again. I hope you know you don't have to read everything I write here. I just feels good to let everything out somewere, and this place is as good as any other. LoL But I do have a card to show you as well. Nice, right?

This one is showing the image called Tango. Isn't she just lovely? I needed a break from Christmas for a while and thought I could do a card without red for a change. Yeah, right! What colours do I go for? That's right, black and red. Oh well, not Christmas at least. The designer paper is from Dovecraft and I have had it for while and didn't got to use it. As always I am hording for worse times, whenever that will come. I like having my pads and bits and bobs around. But even for me it's starting to get a little too much. LoL

Back to my poor card. She is coloured with my Letraset family in warm greys and reds. I made some flowers for the first time in very long, I have lost the grip when it comes to that. Tried making some old fashion roses, disaster. Have to take my scrapbox and cut tons up and work on that fingering again. These rolly things ok, but the others. Some swirly die from Doohickey/Magnolia is used as well as a leaf branch. Pearls from Bunny Zoes and some silver stickles on top of the flowers in the end.

As always when we have a challenge from the Paper Shelter going and this weeks popular theme is Anything goes we are sponsored by the Paper Shelter with a gift voucher worth $30 if you play with a TPS image. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three digis of your choice. I hope you will come and join us in our fun this week.

Sorry, this post got a little long, I am really trying to keep things short but every now and then I have a minor setback. LoL

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Make it Monday - Always anything goes