Monday 4 March 2013

Monday and I am back

Hi everyone! Missed me? I have missed me. LoL Did a little posting the yesterday but that's about all for the last two weeks. I have been really ill in the flu and (still) have a bad ear infection that refuses to give in even after having eaten antibiotics. Let me tell you that is has been and still is painful. Don't wish this on my worst enemy.

Today it's time for a new challenge over at Crafty Card Makers. And this time we want you to make a male birthday card with some kind of gadget on it. Example of that is a car, rocket, computer and other technology stuff. A birthday sentiment is also nice.

We have some lovely sponsors giving you a chance of winning a couple of lovely prizes as well. This time we of  have DI'S DIGI DOWNLOADS and THE STAMPMAN with us. Di's Digi Downloads is giving away a gift voucher worth $10 and the Stamp Man is giving away a £10 gift voucher to spend in their store. Wonderful prizes right?

My card this week is fairly simple as there has been very little energy to do anything crafty at all. I used two images from Magnolia for this challenge. An Edwin that I really like and a cool card that I also love. My uncle used to have one, but it was not cabriolet. LoL For decorations I have only used some glossy accent on the lights and the rearview mirror. Also a few screw brads from Papermania's Chronology is used. Love those.   The sentiment says "Happy Birthday" in Swedish. As most of the time I have used my Letraset family to colour with and some Prisma pencils for the ground. The designer papers are from the Wander pad, Basic Grey. I used some left over paper strips to make a simple decoration for the inside as well as another sentiment wishing happy birthday again.

Hope to see you play with us this time as well, as you for sure kept me busy looking at all the blooming images you entered to my challenge over at CCM last time. It was such joy to see so many of you join us and make such wonderful bunch of cards. Awsome! Please take on this great challenge as well. You know you need male birthday cards as well, not only the girly ones. LoL

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
ABC Challenges - Anything goes
Basic Grey Challenges - Anything goes
Pile it on Challenges - Happy Birthday


Karen P said...

Hi Marie - sorry to hear you are still so unwell hun! The RA really does weaken our bodies and makes us prone to illness at times! The last cold I had also caused problems with my ears - it was very painful - have you tried a warm wheat bag? I found that really helped me with the discomfort. Get well soon huni - big huge hugs Karen x

Rebecca Hoy said...

Great image Marie, I love it. Thanks for playing along with my theme,Rebecca x

Merkkari said...

Hi Marie!

Such a lovely card. You have so many beautiful cards here, I think I am going to stay a while :) I hope that you are getting better!

Hugs, Merkkari

Merkkari said...

I did leave you a comment, but I don't know where it disappear. However, I love your card, there is lovely detail inside your card, I like it a lot :D You have so many lovely cards here so I think I am going to stay a while.

Get well soon!


Heather said...

I hope you are feeling a little better - winter is difficult in many ways - but - spring & summer are heading to the right direction!!!
Your CAS card is adorable, I love the BG papers and this is my favourite little Edwin - he looks fabulous with his fabulous car.............perfect details!!
Basic Grey challenge is 'Anything Goes' this week - you could enter it!!!

Heather xx

Doreen said...

lovely card Marie. The image is so beautiful.
Big hugs
Doreen xx

Danielle Vincent said...

This is a great card! Wonderful job of coloring and the papers are awesome. Thanks for joining us this week at 'ABC' Challenges.

AnnMarie said...

Such an adorable card! Love the image! Thanks for playing along with us over at ABC Challenges! :)