Tuesday 6 August 2013

I'm still here

Hi there everyone who still manage to drop by every now and then. I am not feeling too well at the moment as the heat is doing really bad to my joints. But it has been worse, so that is a good thing. Soon the fall will be here and I will hopefully start feeling better again.

In the meantime I want to share an old card, and I mean old as I made it last spring, that is spring of 2012. I still have a few cards that hasn't been brought up here. LoL It's an image from Joanna Sheen, Faye something I think the artist is named. I have a few of here wonderful vintage images in cross stitch as well. The dp is Maja design and then some simple decorations on top of that. It was made for the teachers at Philips Pre school last year.

I do really hope that my fingers and arms starts to work soon as I have a few cards that needs to be done with a time limit to them. Why didn't I start sooner? LoL Have only known for two months or so... ;)
On top of having pain, I don't get anything done as long as the kids are home from daycare and school. interruption is not my thing and I am counting the days until we are back to normal again. Only a few days left now, 19th of August is the big day when Willy starts first grade and Philip starts his final year over

at preschool.

Love n hugs


Karen P said...

Was about to email you to make sure you are still okay. The heat is a problem for us who have joint issues. Your lads go back to school early! Our schools only finished a week or two ago. You know's where I am if you need me. Gorgeous card, I do envy and love your colouring skills hugs Karen x

coops said...

so stunning marie.really beautifu image and i love your pretty colours and details :D

xx coops xx

Nannieflash said...

Hi Marie, sorry Ive not been by for awhile, its been a busy couple of weeks and Im still trying to catch up with myself. Im so sorry to hear that you are suffering badly with all this hot weather hope you soon get some relief.
I love your card that image is just gorgeous and you whole layout, papers and design is just stunning. hugs Shirleyxxxx