Thursday 21 August 2014

Let it go

What a name for a challenge is that you wonder? Well,  if you have seen the super cute Disney movie "Frozen", the you understand the theme we have tis time over at Aud Sentiments. The theme is set so that you can show us your favourite time of the year. We are all going for winter here as we have used these lovely images from Sassy Studio designs with the two sisters showing of Anna and Elsa. Yepp, I know, I have the movie and all of the family loves it to bits. Every one should live a bit like Olaf, the snow man in the movie, "Some people are worth melting for".

And this is my first card for Aud Sentiment Challenge blog. I am so looking forward to working with this team. And it will be a challenge using sponsor images and there is sentiments to be used as well... I hardly ever have those on my cards. It will be a great challenge and so much fun. I am so grateful that I got to join this fun and charming team.

My card then. I had a tiny bit of trouble with this one as I love the movie and didn't want to destroy the lovely look of the new Queen and the pricess. So what to do. I used the snow queen but only a part of it and coloured that part in with my Letraset markers and then made the card really simple, but hopefully nice.

I used a doubble sided designer paper from Panduro and turned the back side out so that the inside would get a little life as well with the snowflakes printed there. I then took my image and cut it to a good size for the card and glued it down. Then came some left overs from some other piece. It was just a little piece left of that pearly icy thing and it looked good with the snow queen. Then I added some silver glitter from TH. All around the other parts of the card to make it look really cold and frosty. A few snowflakes punched with a little punch from Woodware I believe. A few gem stones in the middel of them and that reinforzed the cold look of the card. I have used a swedish sentiment from Maja design, it says Winter Wishes in English.

Our sponsor for this challenge is of couse Sassy Studio Designs and they offer... Well, I kind of have to find out what that is an then update this part of the post. Anyway. I hope you come and play with us. It's so much fun isn't?

Love n hugs

Challenges for this post

Wednesday 20 August 2014


Morning everyone! I thought I had all the time in the world to get my pictures up for this week's challenge over at the Paper Shelter. How wrong I was! It got dark so soon. I love it when the clock it put backward and we get back an hour, and that happens in October maybe? Well, I had forgot that we get earlier and earlier darkness as well. LoL I will from now on pretend that I am on Shirleys team. That would give me an extra week for the photographic part. LoL

The theme of the week is a favourite of mine, almost on the same spot as my charms and that is LACE. So that is what we are going for this week, lace on your projects and you are ready to go. How nice isn't it?

I decided to make my card with a very fresh creation from the Paper Shelter. It wasn't my plan from the beginning but when your hands are shaking so bad that not even a A4 sized paper would help you match the marker with the paper, then there is nothing elso do than use the precoloured versions. However this is a bit different as it's more of an adult style to it and not a colouring image. I have a few friends this will fit perfect, just as it would for myself. I went with the Chocolate version. You need to keep your priorities, right?

I paired the whole thing up with designer papers from First Edition. I thought they would go well with the browns and the minty colour. I love that combo by the way. Then I kept adding a little of this and a little of that. Ending up with this creation. The lace is from my lovely friend Gail, also a member of my team. Such a sweetheart! Thanks! The wooden heart from Annelie's birthday gift to me. Sweet wonderful you! :)

As always we have a gift voucher worth $30 up for grabs if you play with any TPS product. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three (3) digis of your choice. Come on over and join us for this weeks challenge. You know you want to! ;)

Love n hugs
Marie, who will be seing you tomorrow as well...

Challenges for this card
Crafting from the heart  - Anything goes
Craft your passion - At least 3 dps
The Squirrel and the fox - Anything goes
Crafting at the weekend - Anything goes
Suzy Bee's Bloomin Challenge - Anything goes

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Sketch time over at Passion for Promarkers

Morning and hello everyone! Hope you're having a great week so far. I feel fine and just wish for the rain to go away. Hate having to ride my bicycle when it rains. LoL Well, I could go by the bus but it would take me about an hour longer each way. And that I am not in the mood for...

This week's theme over at Passion for Promarkers is a sketch looking like this. Isn't it lovely?

I've been a bit naughty and turned the sketch one step to the left, and then I actually was even more naughty putting the ribbon on the back of the circle and made it way broader. And well, the ribbon turned into a "paper ribbon". 

My image(s) are from the the Digi Stamp Boutique who is sponsoring this week. The cuteste little snow men on earth is from the set "Snow fun". Aren't they totally cute? Of course coloured with Letraset Markers. Just like you need to do if you want a chance on this weeks prize. I have used designer papers from my Christmas box and I am guessing a bit here. I think that they are from Dove Craft and from DCWV. 

All the little snowflakes are made with a punch from Wood craft. Gemstones from stash just as the ribbon used for the bow. Pearlstring from ROX stamps. Pearls from Bunny Zoe and the dotty things have I gotten as a bithday gift from my friend Annelie. The punch used for the middel part is from Fiskars, an old favourite. Circle dies are from sizzix. Walnut stain around all the dp's and the image for definition. I got a bit of shadows on my photo once again. Sorry about that. I am remaking my crafting room/office and it will be better when I am done with that. Just take a "liiiittle" time. Too much to dive into without planing which was done during the weekend when a lot of other things should have been done. LoL

Ok my friends. Time for me to let you go. This week is a busy one here at my blog, so keep visiting. Anyway, have a good week and see you soon. Tomorrow if you're up to it. Time to show of a new Paper Shelter card. 

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Paper take weekly - Die cuts
Clear it out challenges- Anything goes (Stash: old papers)
Digi Choosday - Pearls and bling
Try it on Tuesday - Use your stash (Old papers finally getting to work again if they ever have before) :)

Monday 18 August 2014

Creative Bloggers Hop

Good afternoon everyone! 

This is something different from me today. A few weeks my dear friend Shirley over at Nannieflash asked me to take part in this blog hop. I turned her down as I am no fan these things. It's kind of a chain letter for me, without the bad parts. Anyway, I read Shirley's super sweet post about this blog hop and decided that I would do it anyway. I have not asked anyone to take it on and bring it forward. I am doing it just because I think Shirley deserves it. I would love it if someone takes it on and post something next Monday about this... I've known Shirley for many years now. We have been on a few teams together and now run the Paper Shelter challenges together. We have been at that for quite some time now and it's still fun. Besides Shirleys lovely looking cards and that she never forgets a birthday, she is a great person to "talk" to. We have never met IRL but I still feel that we're friends and talks about most things. Both bad and good. It's great to have a friend like that. 

What am I working on?

Being in school takes up a lot of my time at the moment, so always chasing my tail with my design team creations. So that is what I am working on dt creations for PFP, The Paper Shelter and The Aud Sentiment challenges.  I wonder were all the time I used to have has gone? Maybe it get's easier now when the kids are back in school. Starting tomorrow. At least a few hours will be alone time for me here at home. 

But at the moment my favourite project is for a little girl called "Svala". Just like me she has juvenile rheumatism (yes I know, I am over 40 but it's still called that). She misses a lot of school time due to pain and to get her mind off the pain she has started a project where she will sell tea and wrist warmers. All the money she raise will go to a project called "Min stora dag" (My big day). Really sick kids get to met a favourite artist of theirs, go somewhere with their family that they couldn't do without help etc. A day to create a great memory. So I spend some time crocheting a few sets of those wrist warmers at the moment. I was three when I got sick and I really feel for this girl. It bring up memories even if her illness is way worse than mine was in that age. 

How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Well, I don't think it does. LoL I love the colouring part and if I would have had someone to put the cards together for me I would love it. I am not that amused of all the cutting and gluing part of the card making at the moment. I know, it sounds negative, but it's true. I am trying to print my digi images so that I can used them for more CAS cards at the moment. Anyway, most of the time I try to find a kind of... clean look to my cards. Then I see someones lovely card that it filled with details and then I want to make some thing like that... So I jump from different styles of card making all the time. Maybe that's what differ from others?

Why do I write/create what I do?

For the pure love of colouring and writing! Since I learned how to write I have always had at least one penpal. I know, old fashion isn't it? But the truth is that I am still writing letters by hand and to many different friends in different countries. I have very little time at the moment so I takes time for me to reply, but I do it. I started my blog because I needed somewhere to place my cards to enter challenges. My first love was and still is Passion for Promarkers. And when I started this adventure I sat the goal to one day be on the team. And I am so happy that I have been a part of that lovely team for a little more than a year now. I do take inspiration from other designers, who doesn't? Then I try to make my own twist to it, not easy but sometimes something reallty good comes out of that creative mess. And that's what's make me go forward, the challenges that I set for myself and my crafting. When I started this card making adventure it was for the pure fun of it. Now being on three times it's sometimes a "must", but at the same time does the teams give me the excuse I need to make my cards. It is relaxing to spent time around markers and paper and do something for yourself, and then afterwards it can make someone else happy! I love that!

Now as I said in the beginning. I have not asked anyone to bring this forward, but I do have a whole bunch of crafters that I love and that inspire me. Of course Shirley is one of them. And note I can only bring forward a few here. I love Heather's creation and I have since I started this blog. So good with her card designs and colouring. Coops wonderful detailed creations, Lisa's for their lovely clean look, Nikki for her lovely clean looking cards too, Lotta for her amazing colouring and eye for details, Annelie for the best vintage look out there, Colette for such smashing colouring and fantastic projects, Gail for lovely designs and colouring,  Lena for some brilliant designs and fun details... The list could go on forever. I am naming these just because they are poping up first, but there is tons of others that I would die to get in their heads and get a glimps on what is going on there when they create and how they get such brilliant results. LoL

Well this is it. I did something that I really didn't want to do, from the beginning that is. Ended up with a really long post and has probably bored you to death or at least coma. Something that felt impossible has been done and I had fun doing it. I have learned something from all this and that is that there is many creative crafters out there and they all deserves your attention. We do our creations out of love for crafting, but also because it's such a joy to send or give away something that you have done all by your self and put your heart into it. Keep the inspiration going!

Love n hugs

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Make it digital!

Hi and hello everyone! Here is a little news for today. We have a new challenge up and running over at the Paper Shelter. Our theme of the week is "Make it digital". That means you use a digital image, digital papers and or colour digital. Nice and easy I hope.

As always we have a gift voucher worth $30 up for grabs if you play with any TPS product. Playing with another brand gives you the chance of winning three (3) digis of your choice. 

Even if the theme is easy I am running late. At the moment I have a bad period and my fear of thunder has taken over my life for a while, (read days). Heavy thunder storms are passing the country (Sweden) and even if it's not as bad here in Kalmar, at least not when I write this. I feel very anxious and unsafe. I am actually shaking writing this and it's not even raining here at the moment. That's how bad and strange this phobia is. And yes, it is an illness for real. I think I can learn how to handle all the pain in the world but not this. So, so tired of this and the summer this year is a night mare for me.

Edited Wednesday eve...

How fun is this image? LoL I so love it and I tell you why. When I was a kid I used to live on a island on the Swedish West coast (live on the East coast now). We had a big house there with a balcony where we used to BBQ. And each and every time we did that, the sea gulls came from behind (from the roof) and snatched the hot dogs. I was only 7-9 years old but this is such a fun, clear memory for me and this image so brought it back. A good summer memory!

I have coloured with my Letraset Markers, used a few buttons, die cut clouds and a photo corner to give some details to the card. The sentiment is a freebee I got from Bildmålarna. Just love those little sentiments they have. Just need to find a good way to store every one I have from different places...

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Button it!

Morning everyone! Time for a new challenge over at Passion for Promarkers. This time it's Lisa's lovely theme we're following and it is BUTTON IT! So one or more buttons on your creation please and don't forget to use products from Letraset when you hand colour your image. :)

I've had this image from Sassy Cherryl's for quite a while and have been waiting for a good time to use it. And now when the button theme came up, it couldn't fit better could it?

Letraset markers of all kind is used here. I think it's mostly the colours from last year's limited edition markers. (I am a "bit" dizzy of my meds, hope those will settle soon, just need to get up to the right level of meds first). Now I have mirroed the image in Publisher for some reason and then I paired it all up with papers, flowers and embellishments from Dove Craft. I love the colours in this lovely set of papers. And for a change I made a big on page card, so you have to write on the back side of the card.

A doily from Panduro is used, some pearls and "the happy coloured" buttons are from Joanna Sheen and the butterfly button is from a winning a few years back from PFP! Sorry I don't remember the stores name.

Well I hope you come and join us in this lovely challenge. It's nice and easy and you only need one little button and colour with Letraset Markers to have a chance of the prize which today is from
Buy Sassy Studio Designs
You have the chance of winning for images from this lovely company. So another reason to join in!

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card

Saturday 2 August 2014

My final sea side card from Bildmålarna

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great weekend. I am preparing myself for the coming thunder storm and try to keep busy while waiting. Gosh! I wish it wouldn't interfer so badly with my life. It's a terrible phobia to have as I guess every phobia is.

A few weeks back I decided that it's enough with pain in my life so I called the worst doc I have to get my old meds back and I got them without having to visit him. Yeah! Glad I didn't have to go there at least so now I am back on an epilepsy medication. And no that illness I don't have but it take the edge of my pains and make my joints less stiff. Hopefully everything will turn for the better now, at least when my body has gotten used to them and don't make me feel so tired and sea sick all the time which in a way is appropriate for the card I show today. LoL

This is my final card for my kids' teachers. And together with them I made them each a little picnic basket and filled it with fruit caramels. In the botton of the baskets I had pictures of the boys. All the baskets was a little different just as the cards but still the same. All of it is made with BildmÃ¥larnas designer papers and stamps. There is also a piece of Prima papers (the brown one) as I ran out of matching BildmÃ¥larna papers in a good colour. :)

I have coloured with my Letraset markers and use some hand made flowers in Kraft card and some flowers from both I am Roses and WOC. The bottle with sand is from ROX stamps and the long blue green flower stem is from Magnolia. Pearls and some hemp string from my stash.

One of the baskets... I made those by looking on pictures on the internet. Have made them "free hand" after what I have seen and not followed any cutting files or instructions from anyone. On the baskets for Philip's teachers I have used a lifebuoy charm. It represents the lifesaver they have been when it has been hard, both with all my illnesses and the help we have needed and how wonderful they handle everything that came with the death of one of the kids in the group. I believe that all the kids in this group has an angel waching over them forever in this kid. She happened to be one of Philip's best friends the first two years of day care so it was a really hard time.

From above comes a photo as well. This is another one of the baskets. How I know? Different handles! Matching flowers and the sand bottle. The sand is from our favourite beach here in Kalmar. We have to go 25 km each way, but it's so worth it. It's the best one around! Well taken care off and just enough big as well. 

And some happy news to make this post even longer. From August I will be joining the Aud Sentiment Challenge blog as one of their new designers. I kind of applied to that team to challenge myself. I am one of those that hardly ever has a sentiment on my card, and now I have to put one on each one! How hard this will be and so much fun! Thank you so much for having me on your team. It will be a blast and I will finally get some more cards done!

Ok, this was all for today. Wish you a wonderful weekend and now time for a new bunch of pills and some new dizzyness. Wish that part will go away, soon!

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
Creative Corner Challenges - Something summer... (How about some time on the sea? ;) )