Tuesday 1 March 2022

Just 4 Fun 12-22

Morning and hello!
Time for a little card for the fun of it. I have been having head aches again and have posted a little less lately. It's terrible with all head aches. It's the worst of part of pain.

I have had this image coloured for quite some time. I think I got it for a PFM challenge and lost it and had to colour it again. So here is a new card with the same image from one or two years back maybe. It's kind of cute and I have paired it up with some designer papers from a paper pack called Floral I think. 

Not totally sure but fairly. I have used some shaped gemstones from my stash that I try to finish up. A whole bunch of butterflies and hearts in five different colours. You will be seeing them show up here for a month or two until I have used as many of them as I can. 

Time for me to see the doctor and then rest for a while again before I use my time to something better hopefully!

Love n hugs

Challenges for this card
TTCRD - Anything goes
Creatalicious Challenges - Anything goes option 

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